Kathleen's Blog - December 7, 2021
With Special Guest Author Lorraine Gambacourt
December 7, 2021 at 5:00 AM
<strong><span style="color:rgba(178, 150, 199, 1)">Kathleen&#x27;s Blog - December 7, 2021</span></strong><br/>With Special Guest Author Lorraine Gambacourt

This week's blog is by Lorraine Gambacourt, RDH. Thank you Lorraine!

A Time For Reflection…

At this time of year, I always find it fulfilling to reflect on the past year’s experiences, especially with respect to my contribution to various relationships, the accomplishments I’ve made, and the difference I may have made in someone’s life. As I consider this now, it is especially meaningful as I will be retiring from clinical dental hygiene at the end of the year.

While this is a very exciting time, it is somewhat bittersweet. I am so grateful for the many individuals who have put their trust in me over the past 36 years. Many have been a client of mine for my entire career! I take pride in the fact that I have been able to make a difference in the lives of so many…

Have you thought of yourself that way? Do you realize how much of an influencer you are? Have you considered that by caring enough to take the time to listen to their concerns (oral health or otherwise) or by gently guiding them to make some behavioural changes, that you be may be helping them move in a direction that could actually save their life?

I truly believe this, and it has been a driving force to help me evolve to the hygienist that I am today.

When something touches you on an emotional level, something shifts inside you. It drives you to learn, and grow, and become the absolute best you can be in your chosen profession. Although I have always been one to strive to become better and better, there have been certain experiences with clients that led me to become more passionate about the oral systemic connection, and more specifically, the effect that active periodontal disease has on heart attack and stroke risk. Over the years we have developed a periodontal therapy program that I am extremely proud of, we’ve become more consistent with taking blood pressure readings, and we regularly collaborate with physicians.

Are you happy with your present periodontal therapy program and outcomes?

Are you addressing the inflammatory component of periodontal disease as well as the host response?

Could you collaborate more with physicians to help your mutual patient improve his/her oral and systemic health?

Is there more you can educate yourself on, that you can pass on to your client to make a difference in their health?

I recite this Jim Rohn quote often: “What is easy to do is also easy not to do.” Sometimes at the end of a day, we may be mentally exhausted. It’s easy to share that piece of info or treatment recommendation that could make a difference in their health, and it’s also easy not to, thinking we’ll have that conversation at their next appointment. I always choose “to do”, no matter how exhausting my day, because I always think about those two men and wonder, “if I could have only helped them understand the severity of their condition sooner, would it have made a difference?

So as you have the conversation, share the information, recommend the treatment, remember that you have the point of power. You can be the person to educate, to inspire, to help them accept their condition and the treatment you propose… And by your dedication, your caring and partnering with each and every client in their path to oral health, you could be saving their life!Thank you for reading and have a great week ahead. Please take a look below for what is coming up!

Kindest regards,
